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Tricking Gravity for Social Media Activation

Hang Loose is a playful and intriguing installation developed to create the illusion of tricking gravity using clever spatial design and photography. The installation invites guests to take fun photographs with family and friends where they no longer know which way is up or down.

Have you ever been able to lean on the ceiling, walk up the walls or look upside down through a window? This installation was first shown at Olympus Photography Playground where visitors were inspired by this unique photo setting to take photos where the shift between reality and photo intrigued everyone taking part.

This project is adaptable to fit locations of varying sizes. The interior style is designed according to client preferences. For inquiries or further information, please feel free to contact the studio.



Photo Credits: Katrin Bohlinger, Klaus Bossemeyer

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A Magnum Photos Digital Exhibition for Baracuta

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